On 7 March 2023 the General Membership Meeting elected Board members for a two-year term. Renewal elections or term extensions are scheduled for the 2025 General Membership Meeting.
The minutes from past board meetings, are available for review.

Andreas Kellerhals
Andreas Kellerhals is a historian who first worked at the University of Bern, before he joined the Swiss Federal Archives for 27 years, where he was instrumental in driving the digital transformation during his 13 years as director. The Federal Archives also hosted the first Open Data Conference in Switzerland, in 2011, and led the creation of the opendata.admin.ch portal, now opendata.swiss. In 2018, as Commissioner for Open Government Data at the Federal Department of Home Affairs, he drafted the Confederation’s new OGD strategy for 2019-2023.

Juan Pablo Lovato
JP is currently responsible for developing the Data Governance of the Canton of Zurich.

Andrea Scheller
Andrea Scheller is a social geographer with many years of experience in statistics and data management. She worked for the Federal Statistical Office, was seconded to Eurostat as a national expert, headed the EFTA Statistical Office in Luxembourg and until recently the Office of Statistics of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Shaped not least by her experience in technical cooperation, her main focus is on free and equal access to data as well as on data literacy, both of which are essential prerequisites for a vibrant and informed culture of debate and thus for democracy in its very essence.

Andrina Frey
Andrina Frey has been active in Swiss foreign policy for more than ten years, in positions that have taken her, among other things from Addis Ababa to New York to Bern. In her current role as Deputy to the Delegate of the Federal Council for the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the availability and accessibility of high-quality data plays a crucial role – both in Switzerland and globally. As Product Owner of the FDFA’s digital platform SDGital2030.ch, she has helped to increase transparency towards the general public in the field of sustainability and strengthen the coherence between quantitative data and qualitative information. She is particularly interested in global capacity building in data and how digitalization can support and accelerate this.

Anne Wegmann
Anne Wegmann is the Product Owner of the Open Data Platform Mobility Switzerland at SBB and responsible for the publication of mobility data for Switzerland. She worked as a project manager in an engineering and consulting company for several years, where she carried out projects at the interface between business and IT as well as data driven projects. As a geographer, she is interested in a wide range of topics and sees lots of potential in the dialogue between different disciplines. Since 2018, Anne Wegmann has been a co-organizer of GeoBeer, a series of networking events in the Swiss GIS community.

Beat Estermann
Beat Estermann is an expert in the digital transformation of the public sector and holds a doctorate in the administrative sciences. He provides research and consulting services and conducts training courses. From 2007 to 2022, he worked at the Institute Public Sector Transformation (formerly: E-Government Institute) of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, from 2019 as a professor and between 2019 and 2021 as deputy head of the institute. From 2023 to 2024, he coordinated the activities of the Bern Academy of the Arts in the field of Open Science and Digital Humanities. He is a founding member of the associations Opendata.ch and Digitale Allmend as well as a committed Wikimedian. At the Opendata.ch association, he coordinates the activities in the areas Open GLAM and Open Event Data. He has been a member of the association’s board since 2018.

Clara Esteve
Clara is a French Energy Engineer working at the St.Galler Stadtwerke since 2020 as a Business Developer and Innovation Manager. She is in charge of Digital Innovation as well as Sustainability. Clara is each year presenting a challenge at the Energy Data Hackdays and is part of the jury of the Open Data Hack of the city of St.Gallen. She is encouraging the development of digitalization in organisations through no-code tools, and is driving innovation thanks to Design Thinking. Committed to contributing to a more sustainable future, she is part of OstSinn and Regioterre association boards.

Mario Cacciatore
Mario Cacciatore is the founder and managing director of BillCare AG, which provides administrative support to freelance caregivers and healthcare organizations, from sending invoices to filing tax returns. As a former nursing professional with a degree in business administration, he is familiar with the high administrative demands and would like to digitize these with BillCare AG. In doing so, BillCare AG relies on innovative open source products and is committed to a smooth data exchange between service providers and invoice recipients.