What GLAMhack2022 was all about…
The first live GLAMhack edition after 2 online editions happened from November 3-5 in Mendrisio, Ticino at the SUPSI (our most gracious host and co-organiser). 55 people got together and tinkered, crafted, coded and laughed together for two days. It was an immense pleasure seeing familiar and new faces having a great and creative time, transforming cultural heritage data into playful, useful and educative prototypes that can make any hacker proud.
We’ve now concluded our report and are happy to share it with the community. Check it out!
And a cool video made by Alessandro Plantera and Lorenzo di Lernia:

If you enjoyed GLAMhack2022 as much as we did, you can already register for the next edition here:
Any questions or remarks on GLAMhack2022 please write to darienne.hunziker[at]opendata.ch
Any questions, remarks, eagerness for GLAMhack2023, please write to gaston.wey[at]opendata.ch