Support Transparency and Participation in Local Climate Policy
- Climate
The Climate Ticker, co-initiated by, strengthens transparency and participation in local climate policy. With your support, we will build a nationwide climate rating and demand effective measures directly in the municipalities and cantons. Contribute to the crowdfunding now!
Would you like to advance climate policy? Would you like to be able to evaluate the climate measures of municipalities and cantons? Would you like to demand new measures yourself? Then you are in the right place!
The Climate Ticker is a nationwide community and data-based platform. It enables the comparability of climate policies of municipalities and cantons and supports climate-conscious individuals and NGOs to demand local climate measures.
The problem: Switzerland dropped from 23rd to 51st place in the international ranking of national climate policies (Germanwatch, 2021). At the same time, the failure of the CO2 law has made rapid climate progress at the national level impossible. On the other hand, there is not enough political pressure on local climate policies, even though the cantons and municipalities have two-thirds of Switzerland’s public funds. There is a lack of data to evaluate, compare and help shape local climate policy.
Our solution: We collect, publish and visualize data on local climate policies in collaboration with climate-conscious individuals, NGOs, municipalities and cantons. Our analysis is presented on a public platform that enables people to call for concrete climate action in their community or canton. In addition, other actors from civil society, academia or the media can use this new open dataset for new projects. This is how we accelerate local climate policy.
Our project is special because:
Political participation: The Climate Ticker strengthens political participation at the municipal and cantonal level by showing how local climate measures can be demanded. In this way, we not only improve climate policy, but also political engagement in Switzerland.
Open data: An important element of our project is the creation of a new dataset on local climate policies. Various organizations from civil society, academia and the media are interested in this. Thanks to our open approach, these organizations do not all have to collect data separately, but can benefit from a joint dataset.
Our team: The project is a collaboration between the Climate Alliance and the Alliance Digitale. Together we have the necessary expertise in climate policy, data collection, communication, design and platform development.

Existing prototype: The project team has been working on this idea since the end of 2021. We are in exchange with all important actors such as climate NGOs, municipalities, cantons and media representatives to involve them in the development process. Based on the first discussions, we have already created a prototype, which serves as a basis for the development of the platform.

We need your support to:
2023 we will launch the Climate Ticker nationally. With your support, we will develop the first version of the platform and test it in three communities. So far we have collected CHF 15’000 with 20 more days to reach our goal. When reaching CHF 25’000, the amount will be doubled by the Impact Fund – therefore every support counts!