Results: Open Data Student Award 2018
Thanks to an enthusiastic response to our call for student projects, last week Prof. Stefan Keller (CH Open), Andreas Amsler and Oleg Lavrovsky ( had the pleasure of spending hours poring over the nominations, qualifying and quantifying their relative merits according to the criteria posted. Learn about the ten projects that were accepted along with the winner of the first Open Data Student Award.
The jury team are extremely impressed with all the submitted projects, each truly exemplary in its own unique way. Each student and supervisor participating this year deserves recognition for making an effort to use, re-publish and to promote open data. In addition to being put on the big screen at the annual conference in St. Gallen (visit for presentations and photo-documentation), and discussed by all the people gathered there, the projects are being given extra attention through community channels.
Congratulations to Jonas Oesch from FHNW Windisch, whose winning project The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Swiss Open Government Data (project details | direct link) educates readers in an exemplary way about open data, applying open source technical ingenuity and skillful design to a problem that is critical to the open data community. The project fulfilled all of the criteria for the award, from analysing and visualising an important and often overlooked data source, to attribution and open sourcing the project code, ensuring reproducibility and enabling follow-up work for others.
“The open data community is looking for answers to the question of how to better represent the diversity of datasets, putting them into new clothes, so to speak. The hitchhiker’s guide to Swiss Open Government Data is a project that points the way in such a direction.”

We are very much indebted to the people and sponsors who made this award possible: the and CH Open associations, SBB CFF FFS, Swisscom, Swiss Post, Netcetera, IBM Schweiz and my3Dworld.
In no particular order, with links to project details, here are all the accepted projects:
Accessibility of public transport / Erreichbarkeit des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Robin Suter, Jonas Matter / HSR Rapperswil
Optimizing District Voting / Repräsentativere Wahlergebnisse
Samuel Beuret, Kiran Bacsa, Valentine Santarelli / EPFL Lausanne
Lobby & Votes
Hugo Castanheiro / HES-SO Valais Sierre
DeepScores / Musiknoten-Erkennung
Visualisation of mobility counts / Visualisierung Verkehrszähldaten
Simon Kafader, Angela Keller / Universität Bern
Visualisation of youth surveys / Visualisierung Jugendbefragungen
Ana Dejanovic, Mayra Spizzo / Universität Bern
Visualisation of Rhine monitoring / Visualisierung Rheinüberwachungsdaten
Oliver Erismann, Robert Schranz / Universität Bern
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Swiss Open Government Data
Jonas Oesch / FHNW Windisch
There could only be one award this year, but we hope to have lots of submissions again in 2019. So keep on learning, keep on teaching, help us spread the word and help your students to make an awesome Open Data project – and, you never know, they may win next year!

#opendatach Up next: Open Data Student Award
— Ralph Straumann (@rastrau) July 3, 2018