Open Data Student Award 2020 Winners
- Student Award
On June 23, 2020, we announced the winner of the 2020 Open Data Student Awards at the Forum. For the third consecutive year, we called for students to enter the Open Data work they created as part of their education.
First of all, we would like to thank everyone who entered one of their works. All of your ideas were an inspiration to us and are valuable contributions to promote the use of open data.
This year’s jury consisted of the following people:
Daniel Krebser; Founder/Owner/Managing Partner ATIZO
André Golliez; Co-Founder / Managing Partner Zetamind, Vorstand
Jannis Valaulta; CH Open Vorstandsmitglied
Prof. Stefan Keller; Informatik-Professor, HSR Rapperswil
Kirsten Dolfus: SBB Technologiemanagement / Enterprise Architektin
They had the joy of looking at all contributions and the difficult task of choosing the winning entry.
We congratulate Ueli Isenschmid, Anian Pleisch, Janik Sievert, and Severin Spörri for their winning project: Fahrgastzahlen VBZ interaktiv visualisiert
You can find the full list of all entries below:

Winner: Fahrgastzahlen VBZ interaktiv visualisiert
Ueli Isenschmid, Anian Pleisch, Janik Sievert, and Severin Spörri, ETH
The aim of this work is to present the traffic flows over the day in terms of volume as the number of passengers traveling and the percentage utilisation of the network of the transport companies in an interactive map. In addition, this report examines the traffic flows in the public transport system of the city of Zurich during peak times, with particular emphasis on the local bottlenecks at morning and evening peak times.

Open Data Visualisierung: Landwirtschaftliche Betriebe der Schweiz
Laura Christina Utz and Rahel Luder, University of Bern
Using a data set with 45’000 data sets from the Federal Office for Agriculture (BLW), the students used bubble charts to group and evaluate all 45’000 farms in Switzerland.

Franziska Suter, Tarik Mohamed, Helena Appenzeller, Clemens Widmer, ZHdK
This project investigates the spatial development of the former western tangent. The west tangent connected the motorway exit Shilhölzli in the south with the motorway entrance Aubrugg in the north and thus once crossed the whole city.

Visualize the right thing
Boris Djakovic, University Bern
Which raw data should be processed? What makes sense to visualize at all? Which data generates the greatest added value? This project is intended to help identify and locate “important” data collections and to show which important data are openly available.

Studierende an schweizer Fachhochschulen
Luca Fluri and Koray Oezkaynak, FHNW
This project visualises the development and distribution of students at Swiss universities of applied sciences, focusing on gender differences.

Effizienter Zugverkehr dank künstlicher Intelligenz
Dano Roost and Ralph Meier, ZHAW
The aim of this project at the ZHAW was to control trains using reinforcement learning, an area of artificial intelligence. A neural network was created using so-called Curriculum Learning and open data from SBB, which increases the difficulty of the generated rail networks, once a certain rate of arrival has been reached.
Thanks to the Sponsors of this years Open Data Student Award: