Five open source projects for more participation, inclusion and climate protection!

  • Prototype Fund

More participation, inclusion and climate protection! Our Prototype Fund is supporting five open source projects to strengthen the public good in Switzerland:

  • Climate Gains aims to make the financing of Swiss climate projects abroad simpler, more democratic and more efficient, thus contributing to the achievement of Swiss climate goals.
  • Crossroads helps students to explore cultural diversity in order to reduce prejudices.
  • Demokratis makes it easier for citizens to participate in federal consultation procedures in order to better influence the legislative process.
  • ExoDAO wants to decentralize web search towards more privacy, less censorship and better energy efficiency compared to big tech.
  • Inclusive Trip Planner enables people with motor disabilities to plan individual trips and thus participate more actively in social life.

We are looking forward to supporting them in their missions.

At the same time, we are sad that we cannot support the other inspiring ideas submitted to the Prototype Fund. The jurors took the difficult decision after a critical, engaged and long discussion and we thank them for their time and continued efforts. We also thank the other applicants for giving the jury such an impressive range of projects to choose from and wish them the best of luck in developing their projects.

During the prototyping phase, we will try our best to create valuable opportunities to network and exchange ideas for example at the Demo Day, taking place on 23 February 2023 in Bern. There, the five projects will present their prototypes and share their experience.