First Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon – Save the Date!

  • GLAM

The first Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place on 27 / 28 February 2015 at the Swiss National Library in Bern.

The thematic focus of the hackathon will be twofold:

– How can we use cultural heritage data/content for research purposes in the Digital Humanities and related areas?

– How can we put cultural heritage data/content to use in the context of Wikipedia/Wikimedia?

Participants are of course welcome to re-use the data/content provided for other purposes, such as the development of apps or artistic re-mixes.

We particularly encourage the participation of software developers, researchers and domain experts interested in using cultural data, data providers, designers, and idea providers.

More information will follow. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Frédéric Noyer, (Project Coordinator)

Beat Estermann, (Coordinator of the OpenGLAM CH Working Group)