#hackathon Energy & Climate Hack
- Climate
- Energy
- Hackathon

There’s no need to emphasize the need for action and innovation against climate change.
Transport, production, from habitat to consumption… around 70 % of global CO2 emissions are linked to the activities in cities.
The Energy & Climate Hack will take place in the city of Berne on August 31st and September 1st 2021, as a parallel event to the Decarbonizing Cities Conference. This hackathon throws a bridge between common issues and needs across borders and will bring together students from the United Kingdom and Switzerland as well as experts,hackers and people aspiring to make a difference. The multidisciplinary teams will look at smarter urban living through the lenses of energy efficiency and research for better decision making.
The beauty of this event is not only that it will allow us to explore new solutions, but also that it exemplifies how bottom-up locally embedded initiatives tackle global issues and how these proposals, tested at a local scale, can help our society beyond their original purpose.
This event is organised in collaboration with Swisspower and the British Embassy in Berne. It is open and free of charge, like all our other hackdays.
Please register until the August 17th 2021 and take part: you too can help shape the cities of the future!Find out more on http://www.energyclimatehack.ch/