Outputs of the #GLAMhack Anniversary
On 29 February, the Swiss National Library kindly hosted our celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Around 40 participants gathered for a day of mutual inspiration and exchange, collective brainstorming and restrospecting.

Workshop on “Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data”: We inspired ourselves from the data ecosystem approach in the field of the performing arts and discussed ways to transfer it to heritage data. The themes of the three workshops were: (1) Inventory of Swiss heritage institutions, (2) Interlinking of holdings (“archives at” in Wikidata) and (3) Linked data in the context of heritage data platforms: data provision and semantic search. The results of the workshop are documented here.
Retrospective of the past GLAMhack Editions: infoclio.ch has documented our events and the hackathon projects from the very start! Now they have set up a page with all the videos. Check it out! Our friend @sodacpr presented a visualisation of the datasets that were released for the GLAMhacks. He selected everyday objects with a weight corresponding to the “gigabyte-weight” of the datasets.

Brainstorming Session for the up-coming GLAMhack: in view of the next Hackathon (4-6 June in Chur), the participants put their heads together in order to formulate ideas for projects and challenges. This resulted in 12 project ideas which we hope will be further pursued during the Hackathon. If you are curious to know more or interested in joining a project, you can simply write it in this document.
Once again, we thank our host, the moderators and all the participants for this inspiring day!