GLAMhack 2018 – Sign up now!

  • GLAM

Landesmuseum ZürichPhoto: Roland zh, CC BY-SA 3.0 (Wikimedia Commons)

This year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon takes place on 26-28 October 2018 at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich – in cooperation with the ETH Library, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, the Swiss Social Archives, the State Archives of the Canton of Zurich, the Basel Historical Museum, Wikimedia CH, and and with the support of various sponsors.

For the first time, #GLAMhack is hosted by a museum, and we have seized the occasion to introduce a couple of changes to our hackathon concept:

  • This year’s focus is on creating softwares or artefacts that engage an audience – either online or in form of exhibits/installations. We thereby also encourage the use of non-standard hardware, such as virtual reality equipment and the like – if you have any suggestions in this area, please get in touch!
  • The two hackathon days are followed by a public project presentation event on Sunday afternoon, where visitors will have the possibility to test the products and to meet their creators. We will also award symbolic prizes to the best projects in several categories. – The GLAMhack Awards!

Register now! – For further information and registration, see:

The Organizing Team