Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016 – Register Now!

  • GLAM

On 1-2 July 2016 the Swiss OpenGLAM Working Group is inviting to the Second Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon at the Basel University Library!

Registration is now open. Please refer to the event page for further information.
We have set the official registration deadline to 15 June; but please consider that the event may be booked out before that date as the number of participants is limited.

The event is organized in cooperation with the Basel University Library and, and is kindly supported by Migros Kulturprozent, Christoph Merian Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, and the State Archive of the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

Follow-up us on Twitter!Follow-us on Twitter! (Photo: Swiss National Libary, Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2015, CC BY-SA)

The main objective of the hackathon is to bring different stakeholder groups together, to let them interact around specific topics in order to share experiences and to develop concepts and software prototypes. Also, the event is intended to serve as a jumping board for the creation of software and other forms of data/content re-use that get some public visibility (e.g. by displaying or performing them at a museums’ night) or have some other outside impact (e.g. by their use for research, in the context of Wikipedia/Wikimedia, or by facilitating the crowdsourcing of certain tasks). For this purpose, special attention is put on the match-making between hackathon project teams and potential “sponsors” – heritage institutions, funding organizations, research projects, or other entities interested in assisting a project team in taking their idea from prototype to a real product. As a novelty compared to last year’s hackathon, the final project presentation will therefore be open to interested parties and the wider public.

As its name suggests, the hackathon is primarily about open data and content, that is freely licensed so it can be re-used by anyone for any purpose. In the same spirit, and in order to support a culture of sharing, we also encourage the use of open source software.

On our dataset page you will for the moment mostly find last year’s datasets.
We are working on adding many new datasets for this year; more about that in a few weeks’ time!

We are looking forward to a creative and inspirational hackathon and hope to see you soon in Basel!

For the OpenGLAM working group and the organizing team of this year’s hackathon,

Beat Estermann