Rethink Journalism Hackathon 2022
- Hackathon

Basel (Bajur Offices & KLARA) | Tickets: Free
Let’s rethink
Come work on the future of journalism & media at the second Rethink Journalism Hackathon in Basel on November 25-26th!
Over the past decades, journalism has been continuously reinventing itself. Small and innovative media establishments charge into battle for attention. Come and join us in the quest to stimulate and promote progressive journalism. Help us in the fight against fake news and hate speech.
Sign up now for the Rethink Journalism Hackathon and develop in interdisciplinary teams new digital solutions for an informative, independent, and diverse digital media world:
– You’re a passionate and engaged media user, keen and willing to contribute to its future and improvement. For a diverse Swiss media world and for yourself.
– You’re a media professional – and journalism is more to you than just a job to you! You want to shape yours and the future of media.
– You’re a coder! You love thinking in to all directions and enjoy programming without many restrictions.
Let’s do this
Sign up now for the Rethink Journalism Hackathon and develop digital solutions together with media professionals, programmers, and users for an informative, independent, and diverse digital media world. Pitchyour idea at the intro session on Friday 25th November – here are some pointers for your pitch!

Any more questions?
Here’s our Good to Know! Check it out if you have any more questions not covered in our emails.

Let’s team up
The We.Publish Foundation promotes media diversity in Switzerland with an innovative approach: they offer open-source publishing tools to small and regional, independent media establishments, creating necessary digital infrastructure. empowers people to make our society more open, innovative and fair with open knowledge. Our activities cover Data Literacy, Data Access & Accessibility and Civic Engagement.
Since 2015, tsüri advocates for a sustainable, open, modern and ecological society. This only works with mutual trust between the user and the editorial office. This is why they promote transparency, authenticity and independence. They actively stimulate their target’s group political consciousness. Users aren’t educated top-down but are fed with inputs, that spark independent opinion creation.
bajour is Basel’s online voice. They find out what moves Basel: They go out, talk to people and use their journalistic senses and experience. Their editorial team summarises the most important events in the Basel Briefing – daily on time for your breakfast.