Open Knowledge, What’s Next? – Forum
- Forum

23.06.2022, 09:15 – 17:15 | Berner Fachhochschule (Aula Hauptgebäude), Brückenstrasse 73, 3007 Bern | Tickets: CHF 40 – 180.-
Climate, algorithms, open science: is Switzerland’s leading conference on open data and open knowledge. For the twelfth time, on 23 June in Bern, we are offering space for a Switzerland-wide exchange of the newest trends around open data and open knowledge, with representatives from research, business, administration, politics, journalism, IT, and other fields. Join us for a day of learning, exchange, interesting inputs and networking with like-minded professionals. With this year’s theme «Open Knowledge, What’s Next?», we will be looking at the future of open data and open knowledge.
Program & Speakers
We are continuously updating our program. Confirmed speakers and session holders are:

Keynote: Angela Müller, Algorithm Watch Switzerland
Angela is Head of Policy & Advocacy at AlgorithmWatch and AlgorithmWatch Switzerland, a civil society advocacy organization that focuses on the impact of algorithmic systems on people and society, and advocates for them to respect fundamental rights, democracy, and the rule of law. She holds a PhD (Dr.des.) in Law from the University of Zurich, and is also a member of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich
She will talk about how transparency can be used as a basis for the control and accountability of algorithms.

Session: Stefan Keller, Swiss OpenStreetMap Association & OST
Stefan is a Professor of Data Engineering and the director of the Institute for Software at Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. He’s a “spatialist”; his focus is on (spatial) data engineering, spatial data analytics and open source, open data and open educational resources.
He will talk about visualizing data without the hassle, i.e. with low coding.

Session: Jean-Luc Cochard & Emilie Boillat, Liip
Emilie Boillat is a business developer at Liip, a digital agency and open data pioneer. She helps organizations to make their data-intensive products and services come to life.
Jean-Luc is Head of IT and a member of the Executive Committee of the Swiss Federal Archives (SFA). He obtained a PhD in computer science from the EPFL in 1988. Since 2018, Jean-Luc has been responsible for the development and operation of the LINDAS infrastructure for hosting open data in the form of knowledge graphs.
Session 1:
“Current channels for open data”
Together, we map out the variety of ways in which open data is currently shared and consumed in Switzerland.
Session 2:
“Future channels for open data”
Join us to craft a common vision for how data will be shared and consumed in the coming years.

Presentation: Thomas Schulz, BFS
Thomas is the head of the department at DIAM.
He will kickstart the Forum with a presentation on « OGD@BFS – national and international collaboration ».

Dialogue & Session: Renata Ávila, Open Knowledge Foundation
Renata is the CEO of the Open Knowledge Foundation and is an international lawyer, author and advocate. She brings nearly 20 years of experience in access to knowledge, freedom of expression, policymaking and global digital rights. She co-founded the <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms, the Progressive International and the Polylateral Association – an international platform cooperative for knowledge workers.
Renata will hold a conversation with Open Knowledge Foundation Russia Director Ivan Begtin and will also hold a session on « The State of Open Knowledge Foundations across the World »

Session: Niklas Limacher,
Niklas holds a Bachelor’s in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence and is currently passionate about all things crypto, Web3 and blockchain (specifically, Regenerative Finance).
He will share his knowledge and insights during an open discussion with the audience on the topic of “Web3 & Open Knowledge – A Match Made in Heaven?”

Keynote: Petra Keller Gueguen, Federal Statistical Office
Petra Keller Gueguen Head of Division. The Staff Division (STAB) ensures the FSO’s planning and implementation as well as its strategic development.
During her keynote, she will talk about « What’s next for the Open Government Data Office? » – How will the OGD strategy develop after 2023? What will happen with What new resources will be accessible to the broad public?

Dialogue: Ivan Begtin, Open Knowledge Foundation Russia
Ivan is the director at NGO « Informational Culture » and founder of the project, as well as lots of other Russian e-Government and open data initiatives. He is a member of the OKF’s working group on open government data. He has worked as a programmer, systems architect and project manager of various Russian system integration companies, and has more than 6 years of experience in Russian procurement automation and e-Government projects.
Ivan will have a talk with Renata Avila, Director of OKFN on the current state of Open Knowledge in times of crisis.

Session: Nicole Graf, ETHZ Library (Deutsch)
Nicole Graf ist seit 2008 die Leiterin des Bildarchivs der ETH-Bibliothek, sie hat die Transformation des Bildarchivs zu Open Data aktiv vorangetrieben. Seit 2015 ist die Bilddatenbank E-Pics Bildarchiv als erste Plattform der ETH-Bibliothek Open Data. Weitere zentrale Themen von ihr sind Crowdsourcing, Wikimedia Commons oder das WikiProjekt ETH Porträts.
Themen des Workshops werden Crowdsourcing und Georeferenzierung sein. Es wird die kollaborative Georeferenzierungs-Plattform sMapshot vorgestellt sowie die Möglichkeit gegeben, selber Luftbilder zu georeferenzieren.
Für den Workshop bitte eigenen Laptop mitbringen.

Session: Sebastian Sigloch, SWITCH
Sebastian is the Head of Data & Insights at SWITCH. His team is developing the data strategy at SWITCH and building with the Connectome Project a research infrastructure that serves the interlinking and sustainability for Open Research Data for education, science and innovation.
Sebastian holds a PhD in Internet Economics and will hold a session on the intersection of open science and open knowledge.

Session: Alexandra Gavilano, Greenpeace
Alexandra Gavilano is a swiss environmental scientist and climate activist. She is a member of the Extinction Rebellion movement, the Klimaschutz Verein Schweiz, Collaboratio Helvetica and co-founder of, the environmental education organisation RootsCamp and many more.
During her session, Alexandra will discuss the role of open knowledge in protecting our climate.

Session: Stephan Hartmann, Dezentrum
Stephan is a partner at Dezentrum, a think & do tank for digitalisation and society. He Is committed to further investigate the potentials of futures literacy. He holds an MA in design with social impact from the Bern University of the Arts and an MA in digital management from Hyper Island Manchester/Teesside University.
He will hold a 90 minute interactive session where « Open Knowledge Futures – Anticipatory Assumptions and the Potential for Novelty » will be explored with the participants.

Keynote: Melanie Einsiedler, Women’s Brain Project
Melanie Einsiedler is an ambassador of the Women’s Brain Project (WBP). She designed, executed, and managed studies for drug testing at a CRO. Currently, she is exploring the role of olfactory receptors in multiple sclerosis at the University of Basel.
As a representative of the WBP, Melanie will give a keynote about data management in precision medicine.
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